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8 PAGER ROUTINE 8 END ROUTINE 8 ;"STOP THE TAPE" 8 7 ;"press PLAY on tape": 7 ;"THATS ALL FOLK'S" 7 6 ;"[Maximum 30 characters]" 6 ;"DO YOU WANT TO RE-READ (Y 5 5 5 4 S.U.U.G.MAGAZINE ISSUE #4 4 ;"Press key [0] to access index" 4 ;"PRESS ANY KEY TO READ NEXT PAGE": 4 4 3 ;"PRESS ANY KEY TO READ NEXT PAGE ": 3 "LEVEL ";l: 3 88888888888 3 2 end article 2 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 2 STOP THE TAPE 2 ;"[Maximum 6 Characters]" 2 ;"Press key [1] to start" 2 ;"Enter name for text file" 2 ;" " 2 ,,,,,," 2 2 2 1 ~COPY~ ARE ALL FOUND ON THE SPECTRUM KEYBOARD." 1 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 tresdisco 1 t(ba)+key=10 1 suug#4 1 stall which I think needs no explanation.It's always packed": 1 seconds>b(l) 1 seconds=b(l) 1 seconds<b(l) 1 n$(x)=e$(1 1 n$(l,i)>64 1 mVVmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 1 h(i)=h(i)+1 1 h(i),a(i)-2 1 h(ba),a(ba);"x": 1 h(ba),a(ba);"*": 1 h(ba),a(ba);" " 1 h(ba),a(ba)-2 1 count>lr*lr 1 count=count+1 1 clubnews 1 cball=cball+1 1 c2 1 c1 \& 1 b(l)=seconds 1 b(l);" SECONDS " 1 at the ZXMicrofair price of `9.95,and that includes postage!" 1 ad 1 ZXCOMPUTING MONTHLY 1 ZX M/F 1 ZX COMPUTING. 1 YOUR SINCLAIR: 1 YES WELL I HAVE JUST BEEN INFOR-MED THERE IS A BIT MORE ON THE END THAT'S NOT IN THE CONTENTS PAGE..... IT'S A ADVERT.... A PROPER ONE TOO! SO READ IT........" 1 Written By A. K. Mohindra 08/05/86 1 WHO WAS THERE????" 1 WHAT!... NOT HIM AGAIN?...... 1 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVVm 1 UK HOME COMPUTERS FROM SWINDON." 1 The news 1 The Bug and Games Monitor 1 TRES DISCO 1 TRANSFORM LTD FROM BECKENHAM." 1 THE SUNSET VIDEO DIGITISER.": 1 THE POKES IN LINES 50,100,105 AND150 ARE TO CALL FROM MEMORY THE SCREEN$ PICS - SCREEN MACHINE ONE USED FOR THIS. 1 THE MINIATURE TOOL CO. FROM 1 THE END 1 THE BUG:GAMES MONITOR:EMU:INTERFACE 1 THE ASSOCIATION OF LONDON 1 THE ADVENTURERS' CLUB LTD." 1 THE ADVENTURERS' CLUB FROM 1 THE ADVENTURERS' CLUB 1 TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH LTD FROM 1 Seeing as they were at the show let me give youa quick review of this mag." 1 SUUG No. AAA005 1 SUTTON COLDFIELD." 1 SUNSHINE BOOKS publishers of POPULAR COMPUTING WEEKLY. 1 SORRY I THINK MICK JUST HAD HIS FIRST BREAK DANCE... SORRY THAT SHOULD READ BREAK DOWN.......... 1 SOFTWARE PLUS FROM ROMFORD." 1 SOFTCAT MICROS FROM MACCLESFIELD" 1 SOFTCAT MICROS 1 SOFT INTRO 1 SINCLAIR USER 1 SHEKHANA COMPUTER SERVICES FROM LONDON." 1 SCREEN MACHINE ONE SCREEN$ PICS 1 SAGA SYSTEMS FROM WOKING." 1 S.U.U.G. MAGAZINE ISSUE #4 1 ROTRONICS LTD FROM HIGH WYCOMBE." 1 ROMANTIC ROBOT FROM LONDON." 1 RANKSHIGH LTD FROM REDDITCH." 1 R PRESTON SOFTWARE FROM 1 Personal robotics.Both games potential and robotics programing being catered for in their Zero 2 package with programable motion,sound,lights,and graphics.See your bank manager for a loan - it was `99.95." 1 PRINTERS , 1 POP 1 PEKER COMPUTERS LTD FROM GREAT YARMOUTH." 1 P$="BUT FELT TOO DAFT TO ASK......" 1 P$="ALL YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT.." 1 P$="A GUIDE FOR THE SPECTRUM OWNER" 1 OXFORD COMPUTER PUBLISHING FROM GERARDS CROSS." 1 OPUS SUPPLIES LTD FROM REDHILL." 1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 1 OFF THE HOOK 1 NOT TO MICK, PLEASE............. 1 NIDD VALLEY PRODUCTS." 1 NEW FUTURE SOFTWARE." 1 N) SAY NO. JUST SAY NOHOHO JUST SAY NO.... SAY NO. " 1 MIRAGE MICROCOMPUTERS LTD FROM BRAINTREE." 1 MIKRO-GEN FROM BRACKNELL." 1 MICRONET 800 FROM LONDON." 1 MICKS BEEN AT IT TOO ALTERING THINGS AGAIN 1 MEGATHROB FROM GERARDS CROSS." 1 MEGA PRINT 1 MEGA CODE 1 MATAND SOFTWARE FROM MICKLEOVER." 1 MAGNIFICENT SOFTWARE FROM HORLEY" 1 MACOLL THOMPSON FROM FARNHAM." 1 LOGIC SALES FROM LONDON 1 LMT COMPUTERS FROM ENFIELD." 1 LERM SOFTWARE." 1 LERM SOFTWARE FROM CORBY." 1 KEMPSTON MICRO ELECTRONICS LTD FROM BEDFORD." 1 K/boards state model,dust cover state keyboard." 1 INTERGALACTIC ROBOTS FROM LONDON 1 INTERCEPTOR SOFTWARE FROM 1 IMPORTANT NOTICE 1 HISTORY DQ 1 HIGHBLADE LTD FROM APPLEBY-IN- WESTMORELAND. 1 GAP SOFTWARE." 1 FORAITS SOFTWARE." 1 FORAITS SOFTWARE FROM HOCKLEY." 1 FLASHY BORDER/SOUND ROUTINE 1 EMU - Entertainment Micro User. 1 EDGEWARE." 1 DIGITAL DELI FROM LONDON. 1 DEF JAM @ 1 Cassette tape Version 1 CRL GROUP PLC FROM LONDON." 1 COSMIC POP." 1 COSMIC POP FROM LONDON." 1 CONTENTS 1 COMPUTER CLUBS." 1 COMMOTION LTD FROM ENFIELD." 1 CHROMAGRAPHICA FROM HORNSEA." 1 CASES COMPUTER SIMULATIONS (CCS)FROM LONDON." 1 C(I);t(i); 1 Bring and Buy 1 Bb@fB@BD@D 1 BR|ZB@B(|B 1 BRIDGEND." 1 BETASOFT FROM BIRMINGHAM." 1 BARRY PAUL FROM LONDON 1 AT AND Y COMPUTING FROM LONDON." 1 ALL SCREEN$ PICS PRODUCED WITH ANIMATOR1 USING THE STANDARD SPECTRUM CHARACHTER SET (TOUCHED UP IN PLACES TO GET RID OF THE SHARP ( 1 ALDERMASTON." 1 AGF DIRECT MAIL DISCOUNTS FROM BOGNOR REGIS." 1 ADVENTURE SOFT (UK) LTD FROM 1 ADVANCED MEMORY SYSTEMS FROM WARRINGTON." 1 ADDRESS 1 A GUIDE FOR THE SPECTRUM OWNER 1 ;seconds;" SECONDS AT LEVEL ";l 1 ;i;"......";n$(i): 1 ;"whose address you require"; 1 ;"kiddisoft": 1 ;"kiddisoft" 1 ;"is not in the files."; 1 ;"[Press any key to return]" 1 ;"[Exactly as in the name lists]" 1 ;"YOU MAY GO TO THE NEXT LEVEL!": 1 ;"YOU ARE A BALLOON HERO - WOW!": 1 ;"WELL DONE!"; 1 ;"The folowing program which is going to load is a sound / lightprogram play music into the ear socket on your spectrum 1 ;"THIS PROGRAM WILL PRODUCE LARGE PRINT OUTS ON A ZX OR A PRINTER THAT USES THE COPY COMMAND THIS PROGRAM WILL LOAD SCREENS AND ITWILL THEN COPY THEM THERE IS A DEMO SCREEN FOLLOWING THIS MAIN PROGRAM IF YOU DO NOT HAVE YOUR PRINTER CONNECTED THEN LOAD THISPROGRAM AFTER CONNECTING" 1 ;"Sorry! the name "; 1 ;"STOP THE TAPE": 1 ;"SELECT LEVEL 1-9 (1 IS SLOW)" 1 ;"SAVING COMPLETED": 1 ;"S.U.U.G. MAGAZINE ISSUE #4 1 ;"S A V E R O U T I N U E" 1 ;"Reference Number & Name": 1 ;"Press key [5] to view No 41-50" 1 ;"Press key [4] to view No 31-40" 1 ;"Press key [3] to view No 21-30" 1 ;"Press key [2] to view No 11-20" 1 ;"Press key [1] to view No 1-10" 1 ;"Press key [1] to start" 1 ;"Please enter name(s)"; 1 ;"Please check the name lists" 1 ;"PRESS SPACE TO BEGIN": 1 ;"PRESS S TO STOP IN A GAME.....": 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY": 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY TO LOAD NEXT ITEM " 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE" 1 ;"N A M E L I S T S" 1 ;"M A I N M E N U": 1 ;"LEVEL=";l 1 ;"L O A D I N G R O U T I N E" 1 ;"Is this correct?"; 1 ;"INSTRUCTIONS" 1 ;"HAVE FUN FOLK'S" 1 ;"Every month you will receive a Personal Members Dossier with details of the latest releases, game of the month review,full reviews of past/present games, news,interviews,contact column." 1 ;"Enter town or city name"; 1 ;"Enter the name of the persons"; 1 ;"Enter telephone number"; 1 ;"Enter post code"; 1 ;"Enter house number and street"; 1 ;"Enter county"; 1 ;"DO YOU WISH TO STOP PLAYING?" 1 ;"DO YOU WANT TO RE-READ THIS LOT AGAIN (Y 1 ;"Anne Menneer 1983": 1 ;"ARE YOU READY? REMEMBER Z FOR LEFT X FOR RIGHT SHOOT WITH NUMBERS" 1 ;"A D D R E S S F I L E" 1 ;"A D D R E S S D I S P L A Y" 1 ;"!!****-POP-****!!" 1 ;" WITH NUMBER ADDING TO 10. E.G. SHOOT BALLOON WITH '6' ON IT WITH THE '4' KEY." 1 ;" VERIFYING "; 1 ;" SPECTRUM UNEMPLOYED USER GROUP " 1 ;" RIGHT SOD OFF THEN ": 1 ;" GUN WITH 'Z' AND 'X'. "; 1 ;" Data file" 1 ;" DO YOU WANT TO RE-READ(Y 1 ;" * PRESS ANY KEY TO TURN PAGE * ": 1 ;" SOFTCAT MICROS., PO BOX 79 MACCLESFIELD, CHESHIRE, SK10 3NJ" 1 ;" PLEASE LOAD A SCREEN STRING ": 1 ;" MANUFACTURERS OF KEYBOARDS PERIPHERALS,SFTWARE & PRINTERS." 1 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE " 1 ;" ISSUE #4 CONTENTS " 1 ;" STOP THE TAPE " 1 ;" PRESS ANY KEY" 1 ;" "; 1 ;" ": 1 ;" " 1 :this is the old ZXCOMPUTING that used to come out every two months I'd" 1 :Centronics" 1 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 1 2$y:!y_:"y 1 .LOADING TRES FAB DISCO PROGRAM. 1 ..........." 1 ,now pin yer lugholes back open yer mincers and cop a load of this.." 1 ,a(i);" "; 1 ,a(ba);" " 1 ,,,,,,,,"WRITE TO:- MR A. MOHINDRA 7, DESBOROUGH RD EASTLEIGH HAMPSHIRE BO5 5NY" 1 ,,,,,,"HOLD UP THERE A MINUTE PAL!..... 1 ,,,,"When I do the news page I try toleave it until the mag is ready to go out before I put it on tape. However this time, there were so many things happening onthe Sinclair/Amstrad take over I" 1 ,,,,"PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO INCLUDE A S.A.E. AS WITHOUT IT YOU WILL NOT GET AN ANSWER..." 1 ,,,,"O.K. LUV' YOU CAN WATCH DALLAS NOW I'VE DONE............." 1 ,,,,"MANY THANKS TO KIDDISOFT FOR ALLOWING US TO REPRODUCE THIS PROGRAM IN THE SUUG MAGAZINE" 1 ,,"We should be getting a mention in more mags in the coming months (or so I'm told, I only run the mag!.....)" 1 ,,"WELL I'VE LOOKED EVERYWHERE BUT I CAN'T FIND THAT LIST........ DAVE GRAY WILL SEND SOMETHING NO DOUBT AND AMSTRAD WILL DROP SOME KIND OF BOMBSHELL ..... YES O.K. I'LL DO A BIT ABOUT MONITOR'S (WHAT M/C OR T.V.) DON'T CONFUSE THEM, MOST OF THEMARE SMARTER THAN ME YOU KNOW..." 1 ,,"There are also two articles by yours truelly, one is a history of computers, (not too long and technical) and the other is a short intro into the world of printers. " 1 ,,"The screen$ compo has had a poorreception, only three entries upto now. Does this mean you like the one we have or you can't be bothered to enter........." 1 ,,"The address is:-" 1 ,,"TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE I EVEN WROTE TO GRAHAM TELLING HIM HOW CLEVER I WAS TO FIND THE POKE (HEAD DOWN IN SHAME, SMACKED WRIST... SLAP!!!!*+%$&#$@!@#)" 1 ,,"THIS WILL ONLY BE OF USE IF YOU HAVE A PRINTER THAT ACCEPTS THE COPY COMMAND (ALPHACOM/TIMEX)" 1 ,,"THIS PROGRAM WAS SENT TO ME BY DAVE GRAY. HE WAS GIVEN A SAMPLEOF THE KIDDISOFT TAPE AT THE ZX FAIR (SEE ARTICLE)." 1 ,,"THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST USER FRIENDLY DATA BASE'S I HAVE EVER SEEN." 1 ,,"THIS IS A REALLY GREAT PROGRAM IF YOU ARE INTO MUSIC. YOUR TV IS TURNED INTO A BANK OF FLASHING COLOURED LIGHTS. IT'S REALLY FABBO..." 1 ,,"On now to the 1930's, and the introduction of electrical comp-onants as the means to doing thecomputing. Of course, tabulatingmachines were run using electri-city, but that was only used to move the mechanical parts." 1 ,,"Oh dear.... Now the latest is that the fabled ~Loki~ was only at the back of an envelope stagein it's planning." 1 ,,"OR .... HOW DID I COME TO BE SPENDING ALL MY LIFE GLUED TO A LITTLE BLACK BOX..............": 1 ,,"ONE LAST POINT, AS I WAS POKING ABOUT WITH IT I FOUND A WAY TO CHANGE THE SCREEN DISPLAY FROM THE KALEIDOSCOPE EFFECT (NORMAL)TO A BAR GRAPH EFFECT..." 1 ,,"OH! ARE YOU STILL HERE?....." 1 ,,"In 1792 Babbage was born. He is the real father of computers. The only trouble was, like me, he was born 100 years too soon." 1 ,,"IT'S A FUNNY OLD WORLD....." 1 ,,"ISSUE #5 WILL BE OUT ABOUT MID JULY. IF I CAN THINK OF SOME- THING TO PUT IN IT." 1 ,,"I feel better now I've got that off my chest...." 1 ,,"Did Sir Clive realise this?... and go before the roof falls in?" 1 ,,"Consider your bums smacked..." 1 ,,"Are you? .... Let me know....." 1 ,,"And to that special someone (he knows who I mean). I hope you realise what you have done..." 1 ,,"Am I getting enough... Yes and no!.... Some members (you only have to look at the credits in the arti-cles to see who they are.) will bend over backwards to help." 1 ,,"A DAY OUT WITH DAVE GRAY......." 1 ,," S.U.U.G. C/O M. SLEIGHT 109, THE AVENUE BENTLEY DONCASTER SOUTH YORKSHIRE DN5 0PS" 1 ,," BABBAGE" 1 ,," HELP!" 1 ,," 1 ,," 1 ,, "THIS IS MICK SLEIGHT REPORTING FROM MY OFFICE CUM LIVING ROOM FOR NEWS AT ANYTIME YOU LIKE.." 1 ) CORNERS. 1 '''''''"THERE'S SOMETHING FOR ALL TASTESTHIS ISSUE. WETHER YOU'RE ARTISTIC, MUSICAL OR BUSINESS MINDED. PLUS A LITTLE SOMETHING FOR THE CHILDREN.." 1 ''''''"WELL THAT'S IT! IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH ANY OF THE FREE SOFTWARE THEN LET ME KNOW, AND I WILL DO MY BEST TO SORT YOU OUT. WHAT'S IN THE FREE SOFT NEXT TIME? THAT'S UP TO YOU.... SO GET SENDING IN YOUR PROGS IF YOU WANT TO BE A STAR......" 1 ''''" SEND ALL ENQUIRIES TO:-" 1 ''" DAVE GRAY 4, MANDEVILLE ROAD BRAMPTON HUNTINGDON CAMBS PE18 8SB." 1 ''" 1 '"if you have a loading error thentype GOTO 100" 1 '"Play the Music in such a way so you can still here the music source Pressing SPACE moves you from one screen to another have fun" 1 '"Best effects are when the music has a lot of tone to it and whenyou are in a dark room" 1 '" PASCAL" 1 "~O.K.P.M. Wilko Willdo~ said thebiggest of those in attendance, a certain Alan Turing..." 1 "you do, wether you understand it or not." 1 "with eager people looking for that second-hand bargain." 1 "will still set you back `1.50." 1 "use valves in place of the swit-ches. But alas they were expens-ive, rare and would gobble elec-tricity. They never even got to try it." 1 "trestle tables,except for one who'd brought his own stand, I forget who that was,but it was either QL stuff or expensive disc drives or the like." 1 "tresdisco" 1 "to try to get you out of S.U.U.GShe's pee'd off 'cos she thinks we are having a really good timeof it, pratting about with our Speccies all day long." 1 "to be given an interview to ass-ess what we are good at. Then they are going to find us a job or training to suit." 1 "titles valued at `27.00 only `4.95." 1 "thought it best to just put it all in as it happened." 1 "think you will be pleasantly surprised by the improvement." 1 "the games for all you dads with four to eight year olds.If you would like to see the complete magazine then for a blank cassette,sae,etc.I will do you one,but one only.Write to me at the address which follows this article." 1 "the computer as 256x192 pixels." 1 "that the printing is smaller than that which is in YS or SU. If you want a copy it will cost you 60p.Contact them at Donnini House,Comet Hill,Easington, Durham,SR8 3ER." 1 "telephone to obtain these pricesso I can get them in this issue of the mag together with postageetc for a letter of thanks to all concerned.If you want me to approach other companies then I am willing to but please send mea stamped (12p or17p.) envelope to use on SUUG's behalf." 1 "talk to me.He was very pleasant and very helpful,but more of that in another article." 1 "solutions.We will help market your own adventures if good" 1 "retail outlets.Now lets go on tothe Software Houses." 1 "reading this bit and carry on with the rest of the mag.Then when it gets around to 11.30pm clear off to bed." 1 "projects,eg machine code tester,numerous features,eg a look at network systems,a book page." 1 "process is better." 1 "plus `1.00 p&p." 1 "packages on the market but I think all the information about these can be gleaned from their adverts in the computer mags." 1 "over to games reviews but the copy I got contains an interviewwith System 3,some hints and tips and a letters page.It contains only seventeen pages but I suppose the lack of pages is made up for by the fact" 1 "of course appreciate their return for passing on to other interested members.Write to me at the above address." 1 "much the same thing for the QL." 1 "me with Sam Fox - you are aren'tyou Mick???" 1 "later) but I suppose it's appealis not quite as wide as the others." 1 "interviews,contact column,etc., and a special help service for those in need.You may contact them as often as you wish (mail or 'phone).They have over 700 completed adventures.Help is also available if you are writing your own adventure." 1 "half past ten.Those times the hall was absolutely packed but this time I was one of the firstin,even beating some of the exhibitors.For the first fifteenminutes I was able to wander round without having to push andshove,but that state of affairs didn't last for long,the hall soon filled up." 1 "get around to seeing their new 2001 keyboard,I wish I had." 1 "forget your 5p.,who will enclosea confirmation of membership slip." 1 "enough.Once you've joined us send them in for assessment." 1 "each line of print." 1 "display the full listing on yourTV screen.It also has the ability to remove the 'auto-run'facility from basic programs. Price is `2.50." 1 "complete with another program Designer with 100 textures, patterns and designs and 3D textfonts and is fully menu driven. Both cassette & m/drive version" 1 "competitive prices." 1 "come on one cassette - no extra charge for the m/drive version." 1 "clustered round the stand,and now your wallet's empty because of all the other bargains you'vebought,and you don't even have enough for your tube fare back to Kings X.'" 1 "clubnews" 1 "cartridge.Copies invisible filesColour of paper and ink shows file type (basic,code,etc.).Tapeto drive in same program.Price `4.99 (`5.99 on m/drive)." 1 "assorted bodies,some young,some middlin',some of the more maturesort,(even some older than Mick)and a few of the fairer sex, waiting to go in." 1 "and used in your own programs.A screen dump can be produced if you've got access to a printer and the pictures are very,very good.As I've already said to my mind the most exciting peripheral there.Further detailscan be obtained from Sunset, 3 New Road,Tongham,Farnham, Surrey,GU10 1DF.But I warn you if you are interested it will set you back `128.00." 1 "and it gets better as time goes on.Everybody wandering around clutching their bargains lookingas pleased as the cat that got the cream,me included!!!" 1 "already got a copy of the 2nd issue and was pleased to see them as it meant I could get issue no.1.Matter of interest ifyou've tried this mag in its oldformat but didn't like it,just like me,then try it now.I think it's much improved,mind you it" 1 "accessories for home,business and education." 1 "a piano keyboard and the machinecode produced by the program canbe saved to tape for later editing,etc.,and used in your own programs.Tunes can be transposed into any Major key and replayed at any tempo from 20 to 255 crotchets per minute." 1 "ZAP" CLS LIFTED OFF SUUG#3 AND ALTERED TO PRINT 'SUUG'.MY THANKS TO CONTRIBUTOR OF "ZAP" ROUTINE 1 "You will have access to our databank of hints/tips/maps and" 1 "You take it all for granted now don't you!. All you had to do was save up the `130 or so, nip into Dixons, and buy it..." 1 "You may have seen their product advertised as the Sunset Video Digitiser.Absolutely fantastic. Used in conjunction with a videocamera or recorder it will transfer any still picture into your computer.Another case of see your bank manager though - `128.00." 1 "You may have seen a modern vers-ion of it that is still sold to-day. It has 4 or 5 buttons, unit-s, tens, hundreds, thousands. " 1 "You may have read Mick's review of mags in the last issue of SUUG and noticed the ommission of 1 "You can see it today in the Sci-ence Museum in London." 1 "You can rely on the British to see the funny side." 1 "Yes! right.. There's a lot goingon at the moment, not least on the jobs front. Hands up anyone who's been unemployed more than 18 months. Have you had the callyet? Did you realise that Maggieis going to bend over backwards" 1 "YOU MAY ALSO FIND THAT THIS TYPEOF INTERFACE IS MORE FRIENDLY." 1 "YOU HAVE'T HAVE YOU? YOU THINK I'M KIDDING DON'T YOU? I'LL COMEROUND THERE AND POKE YOU IN THE USER PORT MATE,NOW DO AS YOU'RE TOLD." 1 "YOU HAVE BEATEN ": 1 "YOU COULD EITHER FORM ONE LONG CHAIN AND PASS THE BUCKETS OF WATER ONE AT A TIME. ~RS232~" 1 "YES... NO... AHHHH. UUUMMMM WELLOH NO. YOU CAN'T DO THAT, GER OFF MI' LEG... JUST A SEC. I'M FINISHING OFF THE MAG YES YOU CAN HAVE THE TELLY TO WATCH DACOLISTY,... JUST WAIT......" 1 "Whilst performing in a play, staged by the Berlin King Kong Fan Club. (yes you read it corr-ectly) Zuse met Helmut Schreyer." 1 "While Zuse was tinkering in his front room with Z1. A vast team of Egg Heads under the leadersh-ip of Howard H Aiken were start-ing to build a modern version ofBabbages dream machine." 1 "When you've had your three mile bike ride load the rest of this article." 1 "When working it was said it sou-nded like a room full of old wo-men knitting." 1 "When they start to cry you'll know you've touched their hearts" 1 "When it contains impurities it performs as a switching devise. All that you need do to make a smaller transistor is use a fin-er amount of the impurity.." 1 "When he began to grow crops, he used the stars and planets to record the seasons. The universewas his computer." 1 "When finally built at IBM's Endicott, it looked for all the world just like the public would imagine an ~Electronic Brain~ to look." 1 "When Europe turned to the Arabicform of writing numbers the aba-cus was no longer needed. Using the Roman form,long division is impossible. Just imagine doing this .. xx * xiv, where do you start." 1 "What a difference once inside toother times when I've caught thenext train and arrived about" 1 "Well we all seem to have made itthrough the minor HOLOCAUST so let's get on with the show." 1 "Well the show is still on the road, no one is more surprised than me." 1 "Well I think that's about it forthe software houses." 1 "Well I think that just about covers the Hardware Makers." 1 "Well I never thought I could do a 30 page article for Mick but Ihave managed it,in fact it's a sight more than 30 pages.I hope that you have enjoyed reading itand that I have managed to get over to you some of the atmosphere and excitement of a visit to the ZXMicrofair." 1 "Well I have seen a report in a certain quarter that is sure they have the plans of a new Super Speccy." 1 "We will look first at Zuse, as he did have a slight lead on theothers. Even though he said he had read very little about the work that had gone before." 1 "We must now go back a year or two, once more to America and look at the work of John Mauchly" 1 "We have been offered better alr-eady (the QL) and let it pass by" 1 "Was there any need for such a huge publicity stunt to sell it or are the Ruskies now into computer games......." 1 "Wafadrive at only `49.95 with free wafa.Full range of wafas and programs." 1 "WITH THE SPECTRUM (UNLESS YOU CHOOSE THE ALPHACOM OR TIMEX) IT'S A DIFFICULT DECISION TO MAKE.." 1 "WHEN IN USE, THE SURFACE OF THE PAPER IS HEATED BY A GROUP OF PINS ON THE PRINT HEAD." 1 "WHAT'S THE GROUP UP TO NOW?.....": 1 "WHAT'S IN THE SOFT BIT..........": 1 "WHAT IT DOES IS PRINTS OUT A GIANT POSTER SIZE SHADED REPROD-UCTION OF THE SCREEN. " 1 "WELL IT'S TIME TO SAY BYE BYE KIDS HOPE YOU HAVE ENJOYED THE SHOW, SORRY BUT IT'S TIME TO GO (SUUG OFF MICK OR YOU'LL MAKE A-NOTHER SILLY SUUGER OF YOURSELF" 1 "Version 2.0 of their MicrodriverSpecial price of `34.95." 1 "Various software at show prices.New - The Doomsday Papers at 50poff.Crash says 'one of the better adventure programs.......quality graphics." 1 "Variload - will automatically convert your Kwikload software to operate at any of 8 differentspeeds from 2000-6000 baud.Price`3.50." 1 "Vannevar Bush, built in 1930, a Differential Analyser that used valves in place of some moving parts, to store values." 1 "Utilities for transferring onto m/drive." 1 "Unlike Zuse, who started from scratch, Aiken consciously deci-ded to use ideas that had gone before. He got backing from the giant I.B.M company and started work on the Harvard mkI just prior to the outbreak of the war" 1 "Type in name and press 'ENTER', or just 'ENTER' to stop" 1 "Two students from Manchester, onseeing this marvel, went home, bought a Meccano set for `20 andbuilt a working model. ": 1 "Two issues have already been produced and a third is due out sometime in September.It is a fun mag with an educational leaning and contains six or seven programs - puzzles,games, and an adventure exploring the world of Cornish Piskies." 1 "Tournament Snooker and Indoor Soccer." 1 "To take all the weight of the componants, valve computers had to be built around a large frameof steel. Hence the main frame. When transistors came into gene-ral use, the were in contrast a mini version of the valve jobs." 1 "To my mind the most exciting peripheral there.What it does isallow you to take a picture froma video camera or recorder and transfer it to your computer.No need for any artistic talent at all.": 1 "To discourage anyone from abusing these special prices details of items ordered will beheld by SUUG.Anyone found to be abusing these prices will be OUTI'm sure Mick will stress this point somewhere else in the mag." 1 "Time to go on to the clubs now of which two only are for the Spectrum." 1 "Those of you who are used to he-aring from me within the week will have to hold on a bit. I'llget to you in time." 1 "This, in 1935, was the first time anyone had had all these idea's at one time. And put theminto practice." 1 "This whole saga is getting more complicated than the Hobbit. Now I hear that Sugar was coaxedinto buying Sinclair by certain people in high places, who did not want to see Uncle Clive looka pillock by selling out to a foriegn company." 1 "This was won by Herman Hollerithwith his punched card machine. If you watch the old fifties cr-ime movies, you will have seen such a machine used by the Amer-ican police. A load of cards arefed in at one end, and the ones that are needed fall into a cer-tain box." 1 "This was set to take the world by storm and drag computers intothe future....." 1 "This was followed by more electomagnetic switch type computers. The Peter Robinson, Robinson andCleaver and the Super Robinson." 1 "This was 1943 and the machine was (as many were that followed it) out of date already." 1 "This stored image is then transferred on to the TV screen.The picture can then be 'doctored' to obtain the best possible picture,ie black & white,black,white & grey,or evenfive grey levels.Pictures can besaved to cassette or microdrive" 1 "This Mega Micro, is reputed to be nearly as good as the Amiga. And still remain 48k compatible." 1 "These machines were fed their information through punched tapeat a rate of 2000 bytes per sec." 1 "There is something going on thatnobody knows about, and I for one am very confused as to what it could be......" 1 "There are a few points I have tomake about the tapes you send for each issue. I get instructi-ons like ~ please do next issue on side one ~ and the tape is fully wound to side two." 1 "Then, of course theres the soft-ware industry. It only survives because of the Speccy & C64 sal-es. Games get written for microsthat have a large user base." 1 "Then they went off to a secret hideaway (Bletchley) and built the Heath Robinson." 1 "Then there's the story that Mr Sugar thought that the Speccy was too good a computer to comp-ete with. So he stepped in when Sir Clive was on a downer." 1 "Then making your way to the ~office~ and signing your name." 1 "Then going back home to wait forthe pay check to drop through the door..... Not bleedin' many........" 1 "Then a Scot named John Napier invented logarithms. These you may know are a set of tables by which you can multiply & divide easily. They are still in use. " 1 "Then I get tapes that are wound so tight I have to go and borrowa cart horse to loosen it up. Please give me a break, I have enough to do without tiddling about like this!......." 1 "The valve, though a great step forward in computing, was slow to warm up, unreliable, consumedvast amounts of electricity and had to be constantly cooled whenin use." 1 "The two friends went their sepe-rate ways. Zuse built more of his ~computers~ and Schreyer continued to write about the useof valves in computers." 1 "The team went on to build the now legendary COLOSSUS series ofcomputers. These used valves in place of switches, and performedtheir number crunching at enorm-ous speeds." 1 "The story moves on to America inthe 1880's. The population of the U.S.A. was increasing by le-aps and bounds. How to get the results of a census proccessed in as shorter time as possible became the subject of a competi-tion." 1 "The smaller they got the more there were. They were like rabb-its. Every were you looked comp-uters were in use." 1 "The question is, has any one made a pause switch (using the edge conecter) that locks up thecomputer in basic or m/c. Or hasanyone looked inside a Slomo to see how it works?........" 1 "The pitch range is in excess of" 1 "The only catch is it costs nearly `2,000 all in. Not the kind of thing you or I would buy" 1 "The news" 1 "The micro was now a real possib-lity. Could it be possible that the average person could have their very own computer at home." 1 "The market will never be that stable again to support such a machine. It'll be six months of one and then on to the next evenbetter model. But users don't want that, (I don't anyway).." 1 "The main thing these machines did was to keep IBM in the runn-ing as far as computers were co-ncerned. As can be seen in most offices world wide." 1 "The input system was 35mm film, in which he punched holes to re-cord the instructions. It worked!........." 1 "The idea was so simple, and had been there for years, but no onehad put the pieces together." 1 "The first human to see a relati-onship between his ten fingers and ten deer, was computing. " 1 "The atmosphere is really great" 1 "The address to write to if you are interested in a copy of Kiddisoft is Mr. D.Gray, 4 Mandeville Road,Brampton, Huntingdon,Cambs.,PE18.8SB. Don't forget to enclose cassetteand sae.If you want to see a copy of The Bug and Games Monitor then for a 24p sae measuring 6 X 9 inches etc." 1 "The Harvard mkI was to use elec-tro magnetic switches rather than valves, as Aiken thought that reliability was more impor-tant than speed." 1 "The Germans had this very flash coding machine that encrypted all their messages. It worked bypicking a random code for each letter of any message sent. So it voz very hard to crack zee!" 1 "The Bug costs 25p.and is available from Sales Dept., Bug Publications,28 Leaside Avenue, Muswell Hill,Haringey,London, N10 3BU." 1 "Thank you,": 1 "Tell them you feel that if therehave to be upwards of 3 million unemployed, you don't mind beingone of them. Because you feel that you are more able to cope with the bordem (lay it on thickso they feel your making a sacr-ifice) than most..." 1 "Teletext adaptors and remote joysticks to name but a few." 1 "Tape Utility 8 - yet another program for making back-up copies of your software.Price `6.99 (`7.99 on m/drive)." 1 "Talk is of computers that will do everything we always dreamed of. A Super Computer with thous-ands of seperate micros in one box. All under the control of one master processor...." 1 "TRES DISCO" 1 "TO TRY IT OUT LOAD THE TWO SECT-IONS. THEM PULL OUT THE EAR PLUGFROM YOUR TAPE DECK AND PARTLY RE-INSERT IT (IN BUT NOT QUITE HOME) YOU SHOULD THEN BE ABLE TO HEAR SOUND THROUGH THE SPEAKER OF THE TAPE DECK AS WELL AS A SIGNAL GETTING TO THE COMPUTER." 1 "TO GET THIS PRESS BREAK AND DO:-POKE 31090,23 THEN PRESS RUN.." 1 "THIS TYPE OF PRINTER IS VERY IN-EXPENSIVE NOW (`30 OR LESS). SO FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO USE A PRI-NTER FOR HOME USE IT'S A GOOD WAY TO START..." 1 "THIS SHORT ARTICLE IS INTENDED TO HELP GUIDE YOU THROUGH THE MAZE OF JARGON.." 1 "THIS IS THE BEST SCORE SO FAR OFTHOSE WHO STOPPED AT THIS LEVEL" 1 "THIS IS A SPECIAL FEATURE ON SOME DOT MATRIX PRINTERS. IT WO-RKS BY PRINTING A LINE OF TEXT &THEN OVER PRINTING THE SAME LINEBUT SLIGHTLY OFFSET." 1 "THIS EQUALS THE BEST SCORE" 1 "THIS ALLOWS THE SPECTRUM TO TALKTO THE PRINTER, AND VICE-VERSA." 1 "THEY WORK BY FORMING THE SHAPE OF A CHARACTER WITH A GROUP OF PINS. IN A SIMILAR WHY TO THE PIXCELS ON THE SCREEN." 1 "THEY CONNECT DIRECTLY TO THE SPECTRUM.(NO INTERFACE NEEDED)." 1 "THEY ARE CHEAP... ALTHOUGH THE PAPER IS MORE EXPE-NSIVE THAN FOR OTHER PRINTERS." 1 "THESE TWO ARE ~THERMAL~ PRINTERSTHEY WORK IN A SIMILAR WAY TO A ~DOT MATRIX~, BUT INSTEAD OF THEINK BEING ON A RIBBON, THEY USE SPECIAL PAPER." 1 "THESE BURN OFF THE UPPER LAYER OF WHITE PAPER TO REVEAL THE INKBENEATH. (LETTERS FROM SUUG ARE PRINTED ON AN ALPHACOM.)" 1 "THEREFORE, YOU GET NEARER LETTE-R QUALITY OUTPUT FROM SOME PRIN-TERS, THAN YOU DO FROM OTHERS.." 1 "THERE WILL BE AN ISSUE #5 AND IFTHERE IS IT MUST FOLLOW THAT THERE WILL BE SOMETHING IN IT. THERE HAS TO BE IF YOU LOOK AT IT LOGIC... LOGICA... LOGICALLY" 1 "THERE IS NO NEED FOR ME TO GIVE YOU ANY INSTRUCTIONS, AS THE PROGRAM USES PROMPTS THE WHOLE WAY THROUGH." 1 "THERE ARE TWO MAIN TYPES OF PRI-NTER. ~DOT MATRIX~ & ~DAISY WHE-EL~. THE FORMER IS THE MOST USE-FUL TO THE HOME MICRO USER." 1 "THERE ARE MANY PRINTERS ON THE MARKET THAT CAN BE USED WITH A SPECTRUM, BUT TO USE THEM YOU NEED AN INTERFACE." 1 "THEN THE PRINTER SHOULD BE O.K." 1 "THEN AGAIN IT COULD JUST SAY SODOFF I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF IT YUK YUK YUK YUK YUK.... THAT WOULD BE A LARF MATEY'S. ONE FOR YOU RIGHT IN THE EYE......." 1 "THE VERY VERY VERY LATEST FROM AMSTRAD IS:- THEY ARE GOING TO RE-ISSUE THE C5 WITH A 45000K RAM AND A BUILT IN QL ENGINE THAT RUNS ON SOLAR POWER, PLUS YOU GET A P.C.W. 256 THROWN IN AND A TWIN 1MEGA BYTE HARD DISC WITH REMOTE CONTROL AND AUTO DESTRUCT BUTTON....." 1 "THE RS232 IS A ~SERIAL~ INTER- FACE. THIS MEANS IT SENDS THE SIGNAL TO THE PRINTER IN A SERI-ES OF PULSES (FOR WANT OF A BET-TER WORD) ONE AFTER THE OTHER." 1 "THE PROGRAM HAS INSTRUCTIONS ANDA SAMPLE SCREEN TO TRY IT OUT ON. BE SURE YOU HAVE THE PRINTERTURNED ON IF YOU WANT THE PRINT OUT, AS IT IS CALLED WITHIN THE PROGRAM. OF COURSE IF NOT THEN TURN OFF THE PRINTER BEFORE YOU LOAD IT..." 1 "THE PRICES RANGE FOM REASOABLE TO ~PLEASE CAN I HAVE A BANK LOAN~. I WILL HOWEVER ASSUME IT IS NO MORE THAN `300." 1 "THE NUMBER OF PINS ALSO HAS AN EFFECT ON THE FINISHED PRINTED TEXT. A GENERAL RULE IS, THE MORE EXPENSIVE, THE MORE PINS." 1 "THE MAIN RS232 I/F FOR SPECTRUMSIS INTERFACE ONE." 1 "THE COMPUTER PRESS IS FULL OF AD'S THAT MENTION, RS232, CENTR-ONICS, SERIAL, PARALLEL,N.L.Q. DOT MATRIX, DAISY WHEELS ETC." 1 "THE CHOICE DEPENDS ON THE USER REALLY, BUT A FAR WIDER RANGE OF PRINTERS USE CENTRONICS." 1 "THE CENTRONICS OR ~PARALLEL~ IN-TERFACE, SENDS IT'S SIGNALS A FEW AT A TIME." 1 "THE AMSTRAD/SINCLAIR SAGA CONT..": 1 "THAT'S `299 TOO MUCH FOR ME!" 1 "Surprisingly CRASH was not thereunless of course I missed it butit isn't listed in the show guide." 1 "Strangely, when the first elect-ronic computers were made with only one exeption, they all useddecimal rather than binary, not-ation even though the merits of the latter were universally known. Funny that in'it!...." 1 "Still in two years it's all in your hands. Even the SDP would be better than this lot, and the're a load of pillocks..." 1 "Specmate interface for transfer of programs onto drive or tape." 1 "Specialists in back catalogue and budget software.Membership is free and they send out a monthly catalogue.Prices - eg. Backpackers Guide `2.50.,Minder `2.99.,Psytron `3.50.Contact them at 4 Rowanburn,Canonbie, Dumfriesshire,Scotland.FREEPOST." 1 "Special prices.Also power supplies,cassettes and joysticks" 1 "Special music program for the Spectrum." 1 "Sorceror of Claymorgue Castle, Arrow of Death and Feasibility Experiment - all three for `5.00Deus Ex Machina - `2.50:The Doomsday Papers - `2.50:Jewels of Babylon - `4.00:The War Game - `2.00." 1 "Soon computers were down from the size of a house to the size of a room. Then down again to wardrobe size." 1 "Some of you will have seen the letter in Popular Computing Wee-kly (22.5.86). This, by the lookof it is going to cause me a lotmore work. The punters are floc-king to join SUUG. (well a shortqueue as formed) so there may bea delay in replies in the next month or so." 1 "So that these discounts do not get abused I have told them all that a confirmation of SUUG membership will be included,from" 1 "So here we are in the present day. What does the future hold. Will we look back at the box under our fingers and think, ~ what a joke ~ or not." 1 "So Winny said to his top boffins~Get that bloody code machine sorted... fast as you like~..." 1 "So I says to Mick 'I'm going to the ZXMicrofair,is there owt youwant me to get while I'm there.''No thanks' he says,'but how about an article for SUUG?'" 1 "So I kept an eye on the computerpress to watch the story unfold.What follows may seem very comp-licated and contradictory, but it reflects the mood of specula-tion at the moment." 1 "So I has a think and decides to resign.'You can't resign' says Mick,'it's against club rules, you've got to get a job before you can resign.'" 1 "So Clive said ~sod it~. No more has yet been reported of this earth shattering conversation.." 1 "Six utilities for the Spectrum. Lister - in an attempt to reducepiracy the basic loader program on some commercial software is rendered invisible.This utility will read these programs and" 1 "Since the day of the sell out all that as come out of Amstrad is a spokesman who said, ~ It isnot our policy to announce new products until they are due for release ~......" 1 "Silly **!!##** that I am.I should have kept my mouth shut. 'Right' he says,'I want a thirtypage article on the Microfair. Get yourself a notepad,cassette recorder,pencil and trilby.I want interviews,items, prices, dates,'('get your own dates' I thought')'times,vital statistics- sorry that last bit's for the interview he's setting up for" 1 "Silicon is a semi-conducting ma-terial, that is, it does not co-nduct as well as metal but it is better than wood." 1 "Showing for the first time in public a selection of their state-of-the-art programs.Tau Ceti and ID at special show prices." 1 "Shortly after a German named Leibniz improved on Pascal's ma-chine by making it possible to do multiplications. He was a bitof a crank, and wanted to prove though maths that God existed..." 1 "Several of the smaller mags werethere- 1 "Seriously... Dave has put him- self out a great deal to help usso don't kick him in the crutch" 1 "Saga 1 Emperor - `30.00 plus `1.50 p&p.:Saga 2+ - `41.25. plus `1.50 p&p.:Saga 3 Elite - `52.50 plus `1.85 p&p.:Saga 2001- `90.00 plus `2.50 p&p.:Saga LoProfile - `30.00 plus `1.50 p&p:128K Keyboard up-grade kit `3.75" 1 "SPD1 Disk and Printer interface.68FX2 add-on keyboard." 1 "SORRY BUT IT'S TIME TO GO.......": 1 "SOMETHING ALONG THOSE LINES ANY WAY........." 1 "SOFTWARE IS AVAILABLE FOR THESE TO ENABLE USE OF 1 "SOFT INTRO" 1 "SO YOU THINK CLIVE DID IT ALL!..": 1 "SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO I'LL.... (GET ON WITH IT.....)" 1 "SAY THE HOUSE WAS ON FIRE AND ALL YOU HAD TO FIGHT IT WERE LOADS OF BUCKETS AND A LARGE POND." 1 "Rush home clutching the box, ripit out and plug it in. Never a thought as to how it allcame to be." 1 "Right, to get you all into the 'I'm going to the ZXMicrofair mood' I want you all to new yourcomputer when you've finished": 1 "Right, let's have a look at the Retail outlets." 1 "Right what have we got for you this time. Dave Gray has writtena Mega-Article about the ZX fair" 1 "Rather like the modern Database." 1 "Range of graphic adventures." 1 "RIGHT WHAT'S IN ISSUE #5?..... I DON'T BLOODY KNOW! HANG ON A MOMENT.........................................................." 1 "REASOABLE PRINTERS ARE MADE BY BROTHER, STAR, CENTRONICS, JUKI AND EPSON. IF THE LATTER NAME ISMENTIONED IN CONNECTION WITH A PRINTER I.E. ~EPSON COMPATABLE~ " 1 "Put your sound through the TV for only `6.50.Also Wender Bender (ok so this is software) a quiz game on two cassettes for`7.50." 1 "Programmes have been contributedby Graham Mason, Anil Mohindra and Kidisoft via Dave Gray. moredetails in the Soft Intro." 1 "Postal course in Z80 programmingLatest offering is a plug in Editor/Assembler cartridge." 1 "People who saw it say the paper seemed to stand still in great loops like some piece of modern sculpture." 1 "People began to notice them, feel their effect on their liveseven started to blame them for things that were not right. What did the official blame for all manner of clangers before hecould say ~it's the computers fault, it's gone wrong again!..~" 1 "Pascal however, unlike Sir Clivedid not make a fortune. His mac-hine cost so much, it was dearerthan the clerks doing the job itwas meant to replace." 1 "PRINTERS:-" 1 "PRINTERS......." 1 "PRINTERS" 1 "PRINTER INTERFACES...." 1 "PRINT YOUR OWN GIANT POSTERS....": 1 "PRESS S TO STOP": 1 "POINTS FOR:- THEY USE NO SPECIAL COMMANDS I.E~ 1 "POINTS AGAINST:- THE QUALITY OF PRINT IS NOT UPTOCORRESPONDANCE LEVEL." 1 "Others ( nameless ones) are con-tent to sit back and let them. Well the ones who help will get pi**ed off in time, if it's all on their backs. Then what will you do?......." 1 "Only the lone hobbyists will be left tapping away into the smallhours.........................." 1 "Only the big boy's, who will then feel free to charge what they like. Once the software goes the rest of the industry will follow..." 1 "Only joking,where would we be without a sense of humour?????? Probably in No. 10.Right if you press any key we'll get on with the serious business." 1 "One reporter described it as ~faster than thought~. The dawn of the computer age had begun.." 1 "One of these was Claude Shannon.Whilst tending Bush's machine hetook up a challenge to improve it. He went back to Boole's the-ories of logic, remember him?.." 1 "On the other hand, the transist-or relies on minute actions ins-ide a silicon crystal." 1 "Old favourites as well as new titles.Equinox and Stainless Steel." 1 "Of the two I would say that Games Monitor is the better purely because its duplication" 1 "Of course the vast costs involv-ed in the manufacture and runni-ng of such machines, made them availible to only very big comp-anies or government departments." 1 "OVERALL THE ALPHACOM IS A GOOD BUY. NOT MANY PEOPLE WOULD DISP-UTE IT'S USEFULNESS." 1 "OTHER PRODUCTS:-" 1 "OR, IF THE PRINTER IS PRINTING, IT WILL REPLY, ~HOLD ON I'M NOT READY YET~." 1 "OR, A LINE OF PEOPLE COULD STAND7 OR 8 ABREAST AND PASS SEVERAL BUCKETS AT ONCE. ~CENTRONICS~" 1 "ONE OF THE FIRST EXTRA'S ANY COMPUTER OWNER DECIDES TO BUY IS A PRINTER.." 1 "ON THE OTHER HAND DOT MATRIX PRINTERS ARE CHEAP, AND GETTING CHEAPER BY THE DAY.." 1 "OK, now new your computer and follow the above instructions." 1 "OH DEAR! OH DEAR! OH DEAR!..... I HAVE DROPPED A GOOLEY HAVEN'T I. I REFER TO THE TRES DISCO PROGRAMME. I SAID IN THE SOFT INTRO THAT IF YOU POKE 31090,23 THAT YOU GET A DIFFERENT EFFECT.IF I HAD READ THE INTRODUCTION FIRST I WOULD HAVE SEEN THAT YOUONLY HAVE TO PRESS SPACE TO TOGGLE BETWEEN THE TWO DIFFERENTSCREEN DISPLAYS." 1 "OF COURSE THIS SLOWS DOWN THE PROCESS OF PRINTING UPTO 3 OR 4 TIMES, DEPENDING ON THE QUALITY." 1 "O.k. lets get down to the club news." 1 "O.K. the Labour party are pillo-cks too. That fairer..........." 1 "O.K. O.K.! I GET THE MESSAGE..." 1 "Now you're in the 'I'm going to the ZXMicrofair' mood." 1 "Now with the invention of the trasistor it was possible to make faster, cheeper and more reliable computers. " 1 "Now then, you tell me. How many jobs entail getting up at 9am one day in every 14, putting on clothes that aren't so good thatit looks like your well off, or so tatty that it gives the impr-ession that your moonlighting." 1 "Now then who have I forgotten? Oh yes,the popular 1 "Now that is 13 to 14 times fast-er than casette tape, and almostas fast as Microdrive. For the early 1940's that was some power" 1 "Now on to the mags that I pickedup. 1 "Now let's go on to the Hardware Manufacturers." 1 "Now here comes the good bit.... The Loki (Super Speccy) will be priced around the `200 mark.." 1 "Now for the 1 "Now I know you think we play thegame in England, and wouldn't dream of cheating!... What a load of crap.... When the chips (no pun intended)are down, we are right little buggers.." 1 "No, we are going fossil hunting for the ancestors of the micro." 1 "No one seems to be able to figu-re out what is happening. Why, for example, if Amstrad is so good at marketing, did Alan Sugar say on the day he bought all the Sinclair stocks. That hewould develope a new Spectrum that would not be ready until ": 1 "Newly updated 48/128k utilities." 1 "New regulations coming in will mean that the DHSS will only help to pay half the mortgage repayments during the first 6 months of unemployment." 1 "New mouse system complete with the Art Studio at discount priceof`65.00.Kempston Joysticks and interfaces at special prices." 1 "New disc drive system for the 128k.48 and 128 versions of Discovery." 1 "Need I say it?Special show priceon the VTX5000 and reduction on first quarter's subscription." 1 "NOW INSERT YOU FAVOURITE MUSIC TAPE AND PRESS PLAY. YOU SHOULD GET THE DISCO LIGHTS." 1 "NOW COMES THE CRUNCH... CHOOSING A PRINTER IS A MATTER OF HOW MUCH YOU CAN AFFORD, AGA-INST WHAT YOU GET FOR YOUR MONEY" 1 "NOT ONLY THAT IT WILL BE GIVEN AWAY WITH EVERY COPY OF THE FIRST ISSUE OF YOUR AMSINTRAD USER WEEKLY.. DUE TO GO ON SALE ON NOVEMBER 5TH..." 1 "NOT MANY HOME USERS WRITE THAT MUCH TO WARRENT THE GREATER EXP-ENSE. (THEY COST MORE YOU'D ONLYGET A TATTY ONE FOR `300)." 1 "NEW Kwikload - as per Kwikload but incorporates Variload.Price `6.95." 1 "Mr Sugar, said ~All Sinclair micros are rubbish.~ He would though. But that's 'cos he can'tplay his c/w 78's on one..." 1 "Mr Sugar (wora daft name) is outto make money. It's not in his interest to keep a doddery old micro supported (e.g.464). So hewill do his best to get rid of the Speccy. He can then step in with another micro to fill it's place." 1 "More and more was packed onto one chip, as they began to be known. Until by the mid 70's the concept of a computers ~brain~ on one chip was no longer a dream.." 1 "Minder - `1.99:The Great space Race - `1.50 (two days after the Microfair I saw this for sale in Woolies at `14.95):The" 1 "Microtrans - specially designed for the m/drive owner.Copies from drive to drive,single key to copy the whole of the" 1 "Microdrive Extension Cable - `3.75 plus 50p p&p.:Sound Boost - `7.50 plus 50p. p&p.:Dust Cover `3.75 +50p p&p 1 "Mick,so if you wish to take advantage of these special prices then put your order in a stamped envelope addressed to the firm concerned,don't seal itand post this to Mick,don't" 1 "Mick, Mick, MICK!!!!They won't co-operate.MICK!!!Poor old soul's dropped off again." 1 "Mick!Mick!!!MICK!!!!!Poor old soul's dropped off again." 1 "Meanwhile back in the U.S of A." 1 "Mathamaticians, for over fifty years, had been theorising on the logic of Maths. In essence athing is either true or false." 1 "Manufacturer's of Oliver's MusicBox,probably the easiest programfor inputting music to the Spectrum.It will accept tied notes,notes across bar lines and groups of notes,i.e. triplets,fifths,sevenths and ninths.Tune entry is simple withthe music score scrolling acrossthe TV screen." 1 "Magazine Articles - Foraits havebeen given permission to reproduce various magazine articles for converting protected programs,turbo loadersand pulsating loaders.Price `2.00." 1 "MEGA PRINT" 1 "MEGA CODE" 1 "Look at it this way. The Speccy is the people's micro. It may beold, it may be simple, it may beslow, but so are we...." 1 "Let's start with the magazine people."'" 1 "Let's have the good news now & try to cheer us all up a bit.." 1 "Let me just mention that there were one or two computer book publishers there,eg Duckworth Computing,with,of course,specialshow prices." 1 "Lerm Information Sheets- how to make back-up copies of the more difficult programs.Price per sheet `1.00." 1 "Later still he made machines to aid in calculations, the abacus is still used to a great extent in the East." 1 "Large range of software for all home micros." 1 "LTR1 - `105.00 plus `3.00 p&p.: Citizen 120d - `176.30 plus `5.00 p&p.:Saga SX85 - `150.00 plus `3.00 p&p.:Saga GLP - `150.00 plus `3.00 p&p." 1 "Kwikload - allows you to convertthe majority of 48k software to load at treble speed.Price `4.95" 1 "Kiddisoft is run by a very pleasant lady by the name of" 1 "Kiddisoft hope to be buying in material for the magazine from September so why not have a go at producing something." 1 "Kiddisoft costs `3.99.and is available from 5c Nanpusker RoadHayle,Cornwall,TR27.5JX. Hopefully it will be available from bookstalls from September onwards.": 1 "KEYBOARDS:- 1 "KEYBOARDS - SAGA 1 EMPEROR:SAGA 2+:SAGA 3 ELITE:SAGA LO PROFILE:AND THE AMAZING 2001." 1 "Just one point in passing. Who will be the first to launch a STOP THE MELT DOWN game....... " 1 "It's true honest ....." 1 "It's the zero in Arabic numbers that makes all the difference. 10*10=100, you can see the rela-tionship, but x*x=c!!..." 1 "It's not only the long termers who are being got at either. She's now going to try to force newly unemployed home owners on to the streets." 1 "It's been a lot of hard work butit's worth it 'cos your all suchlovely people (come on less of the bull sh*t Mick!)." 1 "It worked on the principal that a cog wheel turned 10 times would move the next cog once." 1 "It was huge, vast great areas ofstainless steel and glass. And because Aiken was in the navy bythen and they supplied a good many of the brains to do the job" 1 "It was attended by men marching back and forth. Just like a 30'sSci Fi movie...." 1 "It was about this time that Bab-bage realised that a machine wh-ich only performed one function was not such a great step forwa-rd from Pascal's original." 1 "It still costs `1.50 but by subscribing you can save money -`15.00 for twelve issues.To my mind it is much improved since it went monthly and I am seriously considering cancellingmy order for either YS or SU. No, I'm not a shareholder of thecompany but I would urge you allto sneak a look at it in WHS.I" 1 "It seems he came to several con-clusions totally alone. (i) Thathe would build a general purposemachine. ": 1 "It seems Sir Clive had a brill idea but someone said ~'old up Clive~.... ~The special chips will cost a kings ransom to develope.~ .... ~Sir!~" 1 "It seems Sinclair were developi-ng a beast code named Loki (now where have I heard that name)." 1 "It is a fact though, we may be less next time if her little vote catching, sorry,job findingscheme works..." 1 "It has to be connected to a video source and will then take any stationary picture such as adrawing,face,or even a still frame from a VCR and store it in" 1 "It has special chips that do everything, one handles the scr-een, another the sound, it singsdances, makes pretty pictures & even wipes your bum....." 1 "It has loads of info about lots of different things. You will have to read and re-read it to get out of it all that is in it." 1 "It also contains all the regularfeatures found in other mags - hardware reviews,letters, problems page,programming tips, and several QL pages and let's not forget the page for the ZX81owners." 1 "Isn't it enough to be out of work without them adding to the problems people have to face when the money coming in drops by more than half in most cases." 1 "Is it too much to ask of you to send a (C60) tape, wound to the start of the side you want the magazine on. Not tight, and withyour Name, Address and number clearly written on it....... Thank you." 1 "Interface - `26.25 plus `1.00 p&p.:The Last Word (word processor) - `10.50 plus 75p. p&p.:Flexicable - `9.00 plus 75pp&p. 1 "In this article, I don't intend to explain the workings of a co-mputer, there are dozens of books which do that." 1 "In the true meaning of the word computers are only about forty years old (like me). But in ano-ther sense they are as old as man himself." 1 "In the 16th & 17th centuries pe-ople dealing in numbers had to learn tables. A good mathamatic-ian knew up to 24 times 24 or more." 1 "In short, it would have been a mechanical version of the moderncomputer. Had he been given the technoligy of the 20th century, he could well have made his dream machine." 1 "In case you are wondering about the prices software was going for,here's a list of what my ladbought -" 1 "In attempting this he stumbled on binary notation. Alas he never thought to put this idea together with his machine." 1 "In all ten of these computers were in operation before the endof the war, and it is thought bymany that without them we would have lost. " 1 "In 1940 the two of them did offer their idea's to the Germangovernment, but because it was along term project it was turned down. If those Cocky Crouts had not thought that they would thr-ash us within the year, you'd beusing a ~Zinclair Zpectrum~ now." 1 "If you want to add 1234 to 2443,you press the thousand one once the hundred twice the ten three times and four times for the units. Likewise for the second number, and your answer appears in a window below." 1 "If you haven't already been for the interview yet try this. " 1 "If you had such a super micro asthe Loki, at a very late state in it's development. Would you bundle it in with the entire stock of the countries leading micro company, for `5m?....." 1 "If you follow this theory throu-gh a series of ~questions~ you will arrive at an answer. E.G." 1 "If you can't write it in the newformat utility prog. then just put it on paper. I will do the rest. I don't mind as long as itis another point of view." 1 "If the mag carries on with me writing most of it, it's bound to get boring in time. I only have so much I can say before I begin to repeat myself......" 1 "If so then let me have the deta-ils and I'll pass it on to Paul." 1 "If it's true then I want one.." 1 "If he could build one that woulddo all manner a calcutations, itwould be of more use. The theory of the computer was born......" 1 "If as Shannon did, you use a '1'to indicate (true) & a '0' to indicate (false). Then you will see the birth of the use of bin-ary numbers in modern micro's" 1 "If anyone abuses this offer theywill feel the full weight of me (14 stone & 6'4~ last time I checked) so be warned....." 1 "If I've missed anybody out then I apologise.It's Mick's fault you know.I'm nobbut new to this game." 1 "IT MAY BE BETTER TO EQUATE IT TOSOMETHING ELSE AT THIS POINT SO AS TO MAKE IT UNDERSTANDABLE TO EVERYONE." 1 "IT IS AN INVADER TYPE GAME FOR CHILDREN IN THE 5 TO 10ISH AGE GROUP. FULL INSTRUCTIONS ARE IN THE PROGRAM." 1 "IT HAS A VERY NEAT DISPLAY, SO THERE'S NO NEED FOR THE USER TOSET IT OUT AS IN MANY OTHER D/Bs" 1 "INTRO TO THE WORLD OF HARD COPY.": 1 "INTERFACES COME IN TWO TYPES. 1. RS232 (SERIAL)... 2. CENTRONICS (PARALLEL)....." 1 "IN THIS MANNER, IT FILLS IN THE SPACES LEFT BETWEEN THE DOTS." 1 "IN IT'S PRESENT FORM IT CAN BE USED AS AN ADDRESS BOOK, BUT ANYONE WITH A LITTLE PROGRAMMINGKNOWLEDGE COULD ALTER IT TO SAY LIST A RECORD COLLECTION ETC." 1 "IN BASIC TERMS THE MICRO SAY'S ~I'VE GOT SOMETHING TO PRINT~ THE PRINTER SAY'S ~O.K. I'M NOT BUSY AT THE MOMENT, SEND IT~." 1 "IF YOUR NEW TO THE GAME IT'S EN-OUGH TO PUT YOU OFF BEFORE YOU START...." 1 "IF YOUR FORKING OUT `200 TO `300IT'S THE LEAST THE SHOP CAN DO.." 1 "IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE MORE OFTHE KIDDISOFT GAMES THEN WRITE TO ME OR TO THE ADDRESS IN THE ABOVE ARTICLE." 1 "IF YOU HAVE A HI-FI THEN A SUIT- ABLE CONNECTION COULD BE FOUND VIA THE EARPHONE SOCKET. THIS WILL ONLY WORK IF THE USE OF AN EARPHONE DOES NOT CUT OUT THE SOUND FROM THE SPEAKERS..." 1 "IF THEY WILL NOT TAKE THE TIME &TROUBLE TO DO THIS, THEN GO TO ASHOP THAT WILL." 1 "IF I HAVEN'T ALREADY WROTE TO SAY SO, SORREEEEEEEE GRAHAM... I HAVE JUST LEARNED A VALUABLE LESSON.......... IT WILL NOTHAPPEN AGAIN (I HOPE)....." 1 "IF ANYONE WISHES TO CONVERT IT TO MICRODRIVE, ANIL WILL BE PLEASED TO HELP. HIS ADDRESS IS ON THE NEXT PAGE. " 1 "I've already told you about the 5% discount on the joining fee for 1 "I'm sure you've all seen their adverts." 1 "I'm sure you've all seen their adverts in the computer press, their products are every bit as good as they say.Especially useful for the m/drive owner is their reset button and extender.Have you ever tried to load or catalogue a cartridge and it's just run and run?You've had to pull the plug and hope nothing goes wrong.No need with this as it gently resets the system so that all you have to do is enter" 1 "I'm sure I needn't tell you whatthey sell.Once again special prices,eg Saga 1 Emperor for `35.00.Unfortunately I didn't" 1 "I was given a complimentary copyof issues 1 and 2 with permission to reproduce any or all of it,so included in the games section are a couple of": 1 "I think that's about all the" 1 "I think that's about all for nowall thats left is to remind you (I bet this bit gets boring) to send your 5p's and S.A.E's when you write." 1 "I think I'll just hold my water for a month or two and hope it'sall really true......" 1 "I think I can split the stands up into groups.I've dealt with the mags.The others can be splitup into Hardware,Software,and Retail Outlets,oh and the odd one or two clubs." 1 "I think I can safely ignore the QL exhibitors seeing as we are aSpectrum Group.The exhibitors had travelled for miles in orderto be there.There were firms there from Warrington,London, Sutton Coldfield,Bognor Regis, Bexleyheath,Birmingham,SheffieldHornsea,Halesowen,Borth(Dyfed), Upminster,The Lake District, Scotland,France and Holland,I could go on but I think you get the idea." 1 "I sometimes wonder if they thinkwe eat grass and gather fuel in the Kings forests. Talk about Doomsday, William The Corn Curermust have been more aware of theplight of the Saxon peasants than she is of ours" 1 "I read a review this week, abouta new game from Mastertronic. Title, COUNTDOWN TO MELTDOWN..." 1 "I picked up several leaflets about the various transfer": 1 "I picked up no end of leaflets so I could explain some of the products in more detail,so here goes!!!" 1 "I have some thoughts on it, but I'll leave it until another time" 1 "I have also arranged with 1 "I forgot to mention one popular place - the cafe.Very well patronised." 1 "I do have my doubts. Or is Sir Clive off his noddle. A computerlike that is going to make it's makers a bloody mint. " 1 "I can see the end of the micro boom in the next 2 to 3 years. And I think Mr Sugar will be a leading coffin nail hammer hand." 1 "I am very worried as to what is going on (this is me speaking)." 1 "I also noticed that you could pick up a copy of The Quill and The Illustrator for less than `12.00. for the two." 1 "I also managed to have a chat with Mike Johnston,the organisereven though he was a very busy man he managed to find time to" 1 "I WOULD NOT ADVISE BUYING ANY OTHER I/F. BY STICKING TO THESE YOU ARE LESS LIKELY TO HAVE TRO-UBLE FINDING THE CORRECT CABLES" 1 "I HAVE TRIED IT MYSELF USING ALLKINDS OF MUSIC FROM DIRE STRAITSTO FOLK MUSIC TO MOZART, AND I THINK IT'S GREAT........" 1 "I HAVE NOT!.... I'M O.K. FOLKS IT'S THESE JAP AND AMERICAN CHIPS INSIDE THIS BOX, THEY CAN'T FORGET ABOUT PEARL HARBOUR" 1 "I (me again) think if Sugar has his way he is going to do the home user base a lot of damage." 1 "However no one can dispute the fact that Babbage was first to conceive the idea." 1 "How many original titles have appeared on the 464, the're nea-rly all conversions. So what ch-ance if 8 or ten micro's are se-lling at the same rate. Who's going to bother to write for only a 10th of the market ? .." 1 "How can I describe it?Well I suppose the best way is to liken it to a jumble sale except there's more bodies thereThere's nothing posh about the exhibitors' stands,just plain" 1 "Hopefully the more firms I writeto the more items we will be able to get at discounted pricesLike Mick says,you are SUUG so, please help me to help you.Don'tforget I am on the dole as well as you.Send your stamped envelopes to the same address asfor Kiddisoft,etc." 1 "Hollerith went on to produce ma-chines that were grabbed up by the expanding business world & founded the giant I.B.M. Company" 1 "His first machine, which he saidworked on the method of differe-nces, was showed to the R.A.S. in 1822. It calculated equationsby a succession of differences. For this he got a medal and a grant from the government of `1500, to go and build a better model." 1 "His dream was to build a comput-er. Of course he didn't call hismachines that,they were engines." 1 "Hi-res colour monitors." 1 "Here they had a true computer, in the sense that it could be programmed to do anything. It did however need large amoun-ts of re-wiring to program it." 1 "He went on to design a general purpose computer, using the sameprincipal but it was never made." 1 "He was George Boole. And withouthim your Spectrum would do noth-ing but add, multiply, divide and take away. Boolean Logic 'if','then','not','and' etc. is the basis of all the programming" 1 "He used his fingers as a calcul-ater, just as small children do today. A small step from this was scratching a mark on a stoneor in the earth. " 1 "He tested his idea using a Mecc-ano, and built the Z1. He then pocceded to use electro magneticswitches to build Z2." 1 "He suggested that Zuse should ": 1 "He received $400,000 federal fu-nding to proceed with the work, on the understanding that it would be used for compiling bal-listic tables for guns and miss-iles." 1 "He has managed to arrange a verygood discount on the stuff that Saga Systems sell. If you want to order anything then do as he says in the article (you must have a slip from me to confirm that you are a SUUG member)" 1 "He had seen the first public sh-owing of Bush's machine in 1940.This had spured his interest in computers. By late 1942 he had drawn up the plans for a digitalvalve based machine." 1 "He had as a boy been interested in automata and had built such things as change dispencers fromthe German equivalent of the Me-ccano set.(They got used as muchas the Speccy didn't they!)..." 1 "He designed his Analytical Engi-ne, to perform this task. It was to consist of a large nu-mber of cranks, pulley's, cogs &levers. The idea was, that a ce-ntral unit would perform the ca-lculations that the other parts fed to it." 1 "He began work on his Difference Engine, but by 1833 the cost of paying the skilled labour, who were needed to produce such a precise machine, had grown to `17,000." 1 "He also says he will write an article on how to make the Kempston interface if we are interested....." 1 "Having said that I am prepared to write to other software and hardware manufacturers to try and get further discount prices.It has cost me money for the" 1 "Having had the sense to buy an advance ticket,because they're 50p. cheaper I was able to standin front of the doors and when the doors opened force my way through the crowd waiting to paytheir `1.75. to get in." 1 "Having caught the earlier train I arrived about ten minutes before the doors opened.There was a queue stretching in both directions,not quite as far as the eye could see, but there must have been thick end of 300" 1 "Had he done so, computing may have arrived along with the ind-ustrial revolution. Great steam driven number crunchers could have been common place in the 19th century." 1 "HOWEVER, IT IS ALWAYS BEST TO SEE ANY PRINTER WORKING WITH THEEQUIPMENT YOU HAVE BEFORE BUYING" 1 "HOWEVER, AS THE TEXT IS MADE UP OF DOTS OF INK IT'S NOT ALL THATPRETTY. THIS IS WERE NEAR LETTERQUALITY (N.L.Q.) COMES INTO THE ACT.............." 1 "Graphics and Sound Toolkit - provides approx. 2k of ready made m/c to produce from basic m/c effects such as pixel scrolls,laser sound, screen inverts,character rotation,etc. Price `4.99." 1 "George Stibitz, another whizz kid of the 30's was asked to as-semble some circuits based on Shannons designs. Using on/off switches and a dry cell battery he constructed the worlds first simple electric calculater, on his kitchen table." 1 "Games Monitor costs 35p. and is available from 14 Coed Parc Court,Bridgend,Mid Glamorgan." 1 "GOODBYE. HAVE A NICE DAY. PRESS PLAY TO LOAD MORE": 1 "GAP SOFTWARE FROM LONDON." 1 "Funnily enough there was a firm there from Holland displaying" 1 "Full range of all their programs" 1 "Full details will be in the nextissue......" 1 "From this you will realise why you own a micro. God knows what we will call the next step down!" 1 "For those of you who have never heard of the Amiga, it's a microthat thinks it's a mainframe. " 1 "For the next 150 years or more, no new machines appeared. A man was born and died however, who'stheories would reach up though the centuries into the very micro you now use." 1 "For further details contact themat 17 St. John's Terrace,London,E7 8BX.Price is `12.45 for the two or `8.95 for the Designer and `4.50 for the Character Designer." 1 "For full details of the servicesoffered write to them at 64c Menelik Road,London,NW2 3RG." 1 "For an annual subscription you receive what they call a Personal Member's Dossier of 20 pages containing details of the latest adventures,game of the month feature with a complete solution,comprehensive reviews of past and present adventures with numerous tips,plus news," 1 "First time that 'Players' a `1.99. range has been shown plustheir full range of software butat special prices." 1 "Finances permitting,I would urgeyou all to go to the next one. Watch this mag for details." 1 "Finally I have added my own views on what is happening. I would be pleased to hear yours." 1 "FOR THIS REASON IT IS NO GOOD FOR SCREEN DUMPS (PICCIES). BUT FOR LETTERS IT'S BRILL." 1 "FIRST THE ~ALPHACOM~ AND ~TIMEX~" 1 "Everything from C10 cassettes to complete disk drive packages and full size printers.Show special 4 top rated software" 1 "Education One - Suitable for 5 to 13 year olds.Three programs comprising a Number Game, Spelling Game,and Co-ordinates. The facility to modify and transfer them to m/w/d/drive is available.Price `2.99." 1 "EVEN IF YOU END UP PAYING A BIT MORE FOR THE SAME PRINTER, IT'S WELL WORTH IT IN THE END...." 1 "During the next five years impr-ovments such as memory and prog-ramability were added to ENIAC's~children~ EDVAC & EDSAC." 1 "During the latter part of the 19th & early 20th centuries lotsof idea's came to the fore. But alas, although the theories weresolid, the technoligy to make such machines was not availible." 1 "During the fifties a sixties more and more ~switches~ were packed in to each slice of sili-con. The Space race and the Armsrace only served to move things along at an even greater speed." 1 "Driven by pop down menus.Design your own brushes/airbrushes etc.Stretch/unstretch screen from 100% to -100%.Amazing facilitiesSee the review in SUUG#3.Specialprice for SUUG.Details from Dave" 1 "Don't forget to set your alarm for 7.30am.Right, when the alarmgoes off get up and do what you have to do,breakfast etc.,panic because you can't find your shoes or you've no change for the tube hop on your bike at 8.00am and cycle 3 miles." 1 "Does that not seem strange?...." 1 "Do we want better, or are we satisfied with what we have. Can the average human brain copewith more power or is there a point at which we must say enough stop!" 1 "Discounted prices on quality software such as Elite,The Quill/ Art Studio for `9.95." 1 "Discount on the joining fee for SUUG members.Contact Dave......" 1 "Details of all the London clubs in the Association." 1 "Designer for screen design text and graphics." 1 "Desert Rats (128k) `6.50.All other CCS titles discounted by athird,eg War Zone at `3.95. For those who thought it was a jumble sale there was even a lucky dip here!" 1 "DUE TO THE NATURE OF THE PAPER, THE PRINT MAY FADE AFTER SOME TIME. HOWEVER IN MY EXPERIENCE IT IS A RARE OCCURANCE." 1 "DCP interspec interface with line following robot kit." 1 "DAVE GRAY'S MEGA DAY AT THE FAIR": 1 "Contact them at P.O.Box 475, London,E4 9UD.Price `11.95." 1 "Contact them at 10 Brunswick Gardens,Corby,Northants." 1 "Code Slicer 2 - provides many programs/routines of use to the programmer and hacker.Price `5.50" 1 "Code Slicer - will read any section of a normal,double,or treble speed cassette into any store address.Price `4.95.": 1 "Christmas. Thereby reducing the profit he could make on the 128 by at least 50%...." 1 "Cassettes,edge connectors,D plugs,switches,ariel splitters, ni-cad batteries,etc,etc." 1 "Can't someone get that through to the industry at large. There is never ever going to be another seller like the Spectrum" 1 "CONTENTS" 1 "CERTAIN ONES ARE PUSHED FORWARD TO PRESS THROUGH THE RIBBON ONTOTHE PAPER." 1 "CABLES:DUSTCOVERS:CENTRONICS INTERFACE:SOUND BOOST:THE LAST WORD (WORD PROCESSOR):SEE OUR ADVERTS IN THE COMPUTER PRESS FOR FULL DETAILS OF OUR PRODUCTSSpecial prices for SUUG members.Contact Dave for full details." 1 "By the late 70's they were beingsold to the general public. Not very big or powerful. 16k was a massive amount of power, & cost a massive amount of money too." 1 "By the 1950's computers were starting to be used in big compani-es. IBM, BELL & SPERRY RAND in the USA. In England computers were built at Manchester Univ. LYON'S even built their own LEO." 1 "But... think a minute about the goings on of the last 2 months" 1 "But written as 20 * 14 it becom-es easier." 1 "But the process had started and as each year passed they got bigger and cheaper. Until in 1980 Uncle Clive lauched the 1stsub-`100 micro the ZX80.." 1 "But no,I'll have a very serious attempt at it.Mick said 'I want you to try and get across to themembers who have never had the good fortune to go to a ZXMicrofair the atmosphere,the excitement,the annoyance at having missed a bargain on your first 6 times round the hall because you couldn't see it for the sheer volume of bodies" 1 "But he knows nowt about the folkwho own Speccies. We want to keep things just as they are, thank you. We are conservative, with a small ~c~." 1 "But deep in the bowels of the BELL TELEPHONE labs a bright ladwas perfecting the Transistor.." 1 "Both Babbage & Ada, the CountessLovelace, who helped him in his work, would, I am certain, have been perfectly at home with the workings of the Micro." 1 "Beta Plus interface with Magic Button.Full range of all their products at,yes you've guessed, special show prices." 1 "Beta Basic version 3.0.I'm sure you've all read about this - special show offer `1.00 off." 1 "Be that as it may, they did bring the age of computers a lotcloser than it would have been had the war not forced the issue" 1 "Bargains galore on this stand. How do they do it?Timex Sinclair2040 printers for `25.00.Just plug it in and off you go. Software - first tape `1 then all others 50p." 1 "Back to the story. The valve wo-rked by pumping electrons thougha vacuum, by means of a heated electrode. This had to be metal and could only be reduced to a certain size before it would notwork at all." 1 "Back once more to the U.K. and the war." 1 "Babbage's whole life from then on, was dedicated to the idea." 1 "BY THIS METHOD AN INFINATE NUMB-ER OF SYMBOLS CAN BE FORMED." 1 "BOOGIE TO G. MASONS DISCO PROG..": 1 "BEST TIME OF THOSE WHO STOPPED AT THIS LEVEL - ": 1 "BEST SCORE ": 1 "BEST OF THOSE WHO STOPPED AT THIS LEVEL ";b(l);" SECONDS BY ": 1 "BALLOONS UP FOR ";seconds;" SECONDS" 1 "At this point, as we move into the age of the Mini computer, I will explain the reasons why yousometimes hear big computers re-fered to as mainframes." 1 "At this point in the tale Pascalenters. He invented the very first mechanical calculater. " 1 "At the time of writing I have only recieved a few replies to the survey but it seems the ave-rage age of members is around 32ish. About half use colour televisions. 33% or so have a printer and about the same use disc or Micodrives." 1 "As with many inventions, a lot of people seem to come to the same conclusions at the same time. The computer was no exept-ion. Amongst these were Norbert Wiener, John Mauchly Alan Turingand Konrad Zuse." 1 "As mentioned several pages ago it is now monthly.Unlike the newlook YS and SU it is not filled with garish colour.The May issuecontains software reviews,three competions,five programming" 1 "As it was, using the best avail-ible at the time, was just not enough." 1 "As he says, if you wish to know more about anything in the arti-cle then write to him and he will let you have what info he has. (don't forget the S.A.E.)" 1 "Around this period, many people were working, independently on similar idea's. So pin pointing the first to build, what we wou-ld regard as a ~computer~, is a little difficult." 1 "Apart from having to learn all about a new machine, who can af-ford to throw `200 away every year or so." 1 "Anyway they will all appear in a section at the end of the nextissue. You can have a look and a vote will be taken on which you feel is the best." 1 "Annual membership costs `10.95. but I arranged with their repre-sentative a 5% discount on thisfee for SUUG members.Details of how to get this discount follow at the end of the article." 1 "Anne Menneer who has a training in psychology and education and has four children herself.She hopes that these tapes are a move away from the hi-tec hi- power image towards a more relaxed family use of computers.": 1 "Animator1 - see my review in SUUG#3 - at a special show priceof `9.95,I noticed that as I paid full price at the last fair" 1 "And to end........" 1 "An appeal has been sent to me byPaul Rowland a member from Chester. He is into making his own hardware. He built his own Kempston interface." 1 "Amstrad.. Does that name ring any bells. You know the ones whoyou owe allegiance to now." 1 "Amazing range of services - publications,help,competions,etcLarge range of adventures." 1 "Although it was far in advance of it's time, it was still only a super calculater. " 1 "Although Bush's machine had a tendency to overheat and needed constant attention. It could be claimed to be the first working general purpose computer." 1 "Also if you are interested in seeing EMU then for a large (YS/SU size) sae (24p) plus 60p., asI had to buy this mag,etc.Your 60p. will be returned upon return of EMU and sae.I think a 24p. stamp will cover the cost of postage on all three mags. First come,first served.I would" 1 "All us idle layabouts, sorry long term unemployed, are going" 1 "All these stands were generatinga lot of interest except for Kiddisoft when I stopped off fora chat (more about the chat": 1 "All the latest software titles plus many older titles at half price or less,accessories." 1 "All I want, I have, I can cope with the Speccy, it's a dear friend to me." 1 "All I ask is that each one of you takes a bit of interest in the magazine. You must have something to say. Write a letter forinclusion in the mag. Send in your views of your favourite game. Anything, just take part." 1 "After 1945 the experiance gainedduring the 10 previuos years would start to come together & be used by others who had even bigger dreams to fullfil.." 1 "AS YOU WILL HAVE SEEN, THE QUAL-ITY IS NOT VERY GOOD, BUT GOOD ENOUGH FOR EVERY DAY USE. SUCH AS LISTINGS ETC." 1 "ANY QUESTIONS................" 1 "ANOTHER IS THE TASMAN I/F. THE WAFERDIVE AND AMX MOUSE ALSOHAVE BUILT IN CENTRONICS I/F'S." 1 "AMX Mouse for the 48k and 128k." 1 "A year later the ZX81 and a yearafter that the Spectrum." 1 "A newly formed company offering": 1 "A new company,well I've never heard of them,offering a character designer.I'm sure you must have seen the advert for one similar in the computer press - design your own characters and produce posters, cassette inlays etc. This comes" 1 "A large range of software and" 1 "A SAMPLE OF KIDDISOFT'S WARES...": 1 "A MkII model was commissioned a little later, but that too was years out of date by the time itwas finished." 1 "A GOOD CENTRONICS INTERFACES IS THE KEMPTSTON ~E~ THIS HAS BUILTIN SOFTWARE TO ALLOW IT TO ACCE-PT PRINTER COMMANDS (SEE SECTIONON ALPHACOM PRINTER)." 1 "A DATA BASE FROM ANIL MOHINDRA..": 1 "A DAISY WHEEL IS MORE LIKE A TY-PEWRITER IN THE WAY IT WORKS. IT IMPRESSES A SYMBOL THROUGH A RIBBON ONTO THE PA 1 "9.....................MEGA PRINT" 1 "8.....................TRES DISCO" 1 "7...................ADDRESS BOOK" 1 "6.....................SOFT INTRO" 1 "5...........HISTORY OF COMPUTERS" 1 "4..................INTO PRINTERS" 1 "4 PRINTERS TO CHOOSE FROM." 1 "30 months later in Feb 1946, ENIAC was switched on. In front of an invited group of reportersit was set to multiply 97,367 byit's self 5,000 times. This it did in less than a second." 1 "3..................ZX MICRO FAIR" 1 "3";"[From 1 to 50]" 1 "3";"View name lists [2] " 1 "3";"Save file [4] " 1 "3";"Press [1] to start"; 1 "3";"Press [0] to address index" 1 "3";"Load file [5]" 1 "3";"Find addresses [3] " 1 "3";"Enter data reference number"; 1 "3";"Amend address file [1] " 1 "3";" ";n$(x) 1 "2...........................NEWS" 1 "2";"[Press any key to exist lists]" 1 "2";" ";x; 1 "2";" "; 1 "11.......................GOODBYE" 1 "10...........................POP" 1 "1......................CLUB NEWS" 1 "1";"REWIND TAPE, PLAY & PRESS KEY": 1 "(ii) That it would use binary mathematics. (iii) That it would use electrical componants." 1 "(i) I have 2 hands. (ii) Normal hands have five fingers. (iii) I am normal. (conclusion) Therefore I have ten fingers." 1 "(get on with it)...." 1 "(Now now Micky.. this Mag is supposed to be non-political).." 1 "(Does all this sound like a fairy tale to you?)" 1 "'stop' and it stops running. Price `4.95.Contact them at Stepping Stones House,Thistle Hill,Knaresborough,North Yorkshire,HG5 8JW.What a nice sounding address." 1 "'Use electronic switches, on for(1=True) off for (0=false)'..." 1 "'SLING YER HOOK' says I.'You cando it' he says 'take a bit of the burden off my shoulders, I'mgetting on a bit you know!'" 1 "'OK' says I,'I'll do it.'I had the bright idea of padding it out with plenty of spaces between each word and plenty of blank lines between" 1 "'OK' says I,'I had it in my mindto do one.Look' I says,taking pity on the poor old chap - he is getting on a bit you know - 'tell me what I can do to help you with SUUG.'" 1 " HAS THE": 1 " ";b(l);" SECONDS" 1 " TRES DISCO BY GRAHAM MASON" 1 " MEGA PRINT BY GRAHAM MASON" 1 " ADDRESS BOOK BY ANIL MOHINDRA" 1 " ""POP"" KIDDISOFT VIA D. GRAY" 1 will let all SUUGmembers have a copy of 1 to let all SUUG members have special prices on all theirproducts." 1 spritey codings 1986 1 i also had this printed too 1 arevery much alike being produced by 15/16/17 year olds.They are basically games review mags,but also include charts,interviews, competitions,and letters." 1 This again is run by 16/17 year olds but what a world of difference between it and the two just mentioned.It is professionally printed on decentquality paper with a thick coverMost of it's pages are given" 1 SUUG MAGAZINE ISSUE #04 1 S.U.U.G. MAGAZINE NO.#4 1 Do not delete any lines as it uses them from basic to clear the screen alter lines 60-70-80 for microdrive transfer spritey 1 1982 to 1986 yes i also had this given a way on the front cover of a magazine in 1982 1 (the computer industry appeal to help get young addicts off drugs.Also giving out War On Want leaflets.Well worth supporting at only 50p. a game.)" 1 (although I somehow missed that stand,how I don't know as I must have been round the hall a dozen times): 1 (a tape mag for the 4 to 8 year olds)." 1 (Tape magazine for thefour to eight year olds).": 1 play it in with about 900 watts as this can harm your spectrum. Repair bills are not my favoritepast time" 1 S.U.U.G. MAGAZINE #4 1 Hi mum 1 WRITTEN BY SPRITE ALIAS GRAHAM MASON GRIMSBY AN EX GAMES PROGRAMMER. 1 Back issues were available on these stands so you were able to get some of the issues that you had missed." 1 All sorts of magnetic media - floppy discs,cassettes,etc." 1 with a branch in PETERBOROUGH." 1 All the latest software at" 1 8888888888888888 1 Leads,connectors,cable assembly and advice on the stand,plus Nidd Valley range." 1 I SAID HOLD ON A TICK 1 COME 'ERE COME 'ERE THERE'S MORE........" 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1